What I’ve Learnt

(23 April 2020)

Keep calling people even if they’ve stopped calling you.

Go outside.

Wear any colour whenever the hell you want to.

You can laugh louder than you think you should.

Yes, the air should smell like plants.

Breathe deeper.

The reason you aren’t sleeping is that last episode.

Birthdays are and aren’t a big deal.

You’ve done enough today.

Credit cards aren’t worth it.

When you realise how connected you are, everything will change. 

Breathe deeper.

Your instinct was right.

Something is finished when you stop working on it.

Have the extra brownie.

Don’t count the pennies. (Taiwanese) 

Do count the notes. (Me)

Breathe deeper.

(Inspiration: ‘What I Wish I’d Known’, Nora Ephron)

What I Don’t Miss

(6 April 2020)

Working too much

Underpaid work

Pressure to ‘advance my career’

Double-booked evenings


The Tube in rush hour

Dirty air


Spending too much money

Pressure to spend money



Hour-long commutes

Working at home alone

Cooking for Seder

(Inspiration: ‘What I Won’t Miss’ by Nora Ephron)

What I Miss

(6 April 2020)



Looking out the train window

Double-booked evenings


The Tube off-peak

A sold-out theatre

The final bow


Seeing the sea

Swimming in the sea

Bumping into friends

Dinner with friends


(Inspiration: ‘What I Will Miss’ by Nora Ephron)